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What to do when you can’t just win a Government Contacts?

Consider a Business Plan Competition

Although this is a pretty unique way to get your sea legs, you can achieve immense growth for your small business. Several different organizations hold competitions regularly to help new entrepreneurs bring their ideas to fruition. Enter your business concept as a way to gain notice in the industry and test our ideas.

Seek Additional Contract Opportunities

Fortunately, the federal government has a variety of venues for seeking government contract opportunities, the best of which is this government’s site. You can register for free, sign up for notifications, and search for opportunities for which your business qualifies for.

Again, be sure to look closely at each request. Ensure that your business meets the minimum qualifications and is well-suited before you put your time and energy into a complete application.

Look for the Right Type of Opportunity

Let’s face it: you have to crawl before you can walk. No business begins its work in government contracting as a prime contractor. Look for opportunities to assist other contractors in their work to learn the ropes and show that you can handle the responsibility of a government contract.

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