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What are the easiest government contracts to win for small businesses?

Updated: May 23

Is government contracting easy?

It is most definitely not. The government contracting industry is riddled with complicated processes that deter many from venturing into it. However, given the circumstances, there are certain exceptions and considerations given to federal contracting firms, especially to disadvantaged small businesses. So although government contracting is certainly not easy, there are policies and programs to ensure that everyone has a fighting chance of winning a government contract.

What are the easiest government contracts to win for small businesses?

every government contract comes with its unique set of challenges. But, given how not every government contractor has equal access to federal business opportunities, certain contracts are more accessible to disadvantaged businesses, such as these:


Set-aside contracts, or set-asides, are federal contracts that are exclusive to qualified small businesses. Government contracts that are valued between $3,500 to $150,000 are automatically considered as set-asides.

This type of contract is further divided into two kinds: competitive set-asides and sole-source set-asides. The former goes like every other federal contract—you have to outbid other small businesses to win the contract. And the latter does not require small businesses to bid because there are some cases where there is only one small business that is capable of delivering the tasks stated in the contract.

However, not all small businesses can bid for set-asides. If you want to become eligible for this type of contract, here are the things you have to do first:

  • Register your business at

  • Qualify for the federal contracting assistance programs by the Small Business Administration

GSA Schedule Contracts

Also known as Multiple Award Schedule (MAS), government agencies use these long-term government-wide contracts to procure products and hire services in bulk at fair prices. These transactions are managed by the General Services Administration (GSA) to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of each contract.

Federal subcontracts

Unlike the previously mentioned government contracts, federal subcontracts are not issued directly by a government agency. Instead, it is awarded by another government contractor, also known as the prime contractor.

Subcontracting is a practice in the federal contracting industry where prime contractors outsource specialists for a specific area of their contract. Small businesses that want to test the waters first usually take their shot at subcontracting. This business pursuit allows them to gain experience in the field without going through the tedious process of applying to become a government contractor.

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