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Top Factors to win a Government contract:

Writing a Winning Past Performance

Most government customers utilize past performance to assess the program’s likelihood of failure. Government contractors should write the past performance proposal parts to reassure the customer that they have successfully completed a similar project in the past.

How to write a winning past performance:

The first step is to look at a bigger number of prospective contracts to see which ones should be included in the past performance section. Choose contracts similar to those you’re bidding on and have a good track record for your organization. It’s a good idea to define what “similar” means—in this case, matching the new proposal’s technical requirements to work completed on the candidate contracts. However, it also entails picking contracts that are comparable to the one you’re bidding on. Is it a task-oriented IDIQ? Is the workforce distributed geographically? Is the usage of an Earned Value Management System required?

Consider these suggestions once you’ve chosen the high-performing, highly relevant contracts to include in the past performance section and are ready to create the past performance write-up for each contract:

  • Create a uniform, repeatable format for each past performance contract citation (often done in a table format),

  • Provide the information sought in the citation in the sequence specified in the proposal specifications for the procurement,

  • Check and double-check the contact information for your customers, and

  • Check and double-check the most up-to-date contract information, such as contract values and dates.

The following is a narrative description of the work done:

  • Organize the narrative to match the technical specifications of the solicitation to which you’re responding, so you can show how your work is relevant to the new contract’s requirements,

  • Use keywords from the solicitation in the narrative to emphasize relevance, and

  • Quantify the outputs and outcomes of the work on the contract you’re quoting.

Pro-tips for getting the highest possible score based on your previous performance:

Here are some pointers to help you earn the highest possible score on your past performance evaluation:

  • Validate performance with the Program Manager: For ongoing projects, ensure there are no surprises or recent issues by checking in with the current Program Manager.

  • If necessary, manage the past performance questionnaire: If your clients must complete a questionnaire, designate someone to follow up with them and ensure they complete and submit the form on time.

  • Don’t try to hide poor performance; instead, make a lesson: If the contract requires you to list any performance difficulties, don’t say “none.” Tell the truth about any performance difficulties, then explain what steps were taken to resolve them; these steps prove that the problems will not recur.

  • Examine the performance of contracts you didn’t mention: Client evaluators may conduct their research beyond the contracts you gave in your past performance section.

  • Organize the CPAR procedure. Keep track of your customers’ performance evaluations for government contracts, and engage with them to remedy any erroneous performance reports.

References within the Agency: What Makes Someone A Good Reference?

Although government-owned organizations depend primarily on the Past Performance Information Retrieval System (PPIRS) for analyzing past performance, other sources could include phone calls to individuals within agencies where the government contractor previously worked, even if they are not listed as references. Contracting officers on minor government contracts that aren’t subject to past performance reviews keep track of performance difficulties and frequently ask for references for previous work. As a result, the selection of references should be prioritized. They should be chosen early enough so that you can notify them of their inclusion and give them enough time to respond.

When providing a list of references, provide

  • a current contact name,

  • e-mail address,

  • phone number, and

  • a description of the work done.

You are responsible for informing references that the Contract Officer may contact them regarding the purchase. It is recommended that you prepare all requested information ahead of time and assist your references in learning about the solicitation and essential areas to discuss. You must make this simple for your references, as you may need their help again in the future. The following are some helpful hints for choosing references:

  • Select references who will vouch for your work.

  • Check your contact details twice. Keep in mind that in the fast-paced federal sector, the contracting officer or reference you dealt with may have moved on to a new position.

  • Know when the reference contacts you. Before contacting references, ensure that any downsides from a previous contract have been clarified.

  • Choosing someone who will provide an excellent reference is likely more helpful than choosing someone who has done work more directly similar to the desired contract.

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