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Steps to Winning Government Contracts

The world of government contracting a large one, and the thought of being successful in winning contracts can be extremely intimidating and daunting for some people. Which is why it is important to work with a team that has experience in winning government contracts and has the resources needed to create these contracts successfully.

Step 1: Research

Once you have decided on the contracts you are interested in bidding on, it’s time for you to settle in and do some research. You want to be sure to find out as much as you can about your targeted agencies, even down to the smallest of details. Research things such as their primary problems or challenges, what their budget looks like, what their priorities are, etc. Taking the time to learn as much as you can about the agency is the first step in setting yourself up for winning government contracts.

Step 2: Develop a Statement

Once you have completed your research you will then want to develop a capability statement. This statement is a concise one page document for your business. It is easiest to think of this statement as your business’s resume. The main purpose of a capability statement is to provide key and specific information that will help to convince these agencies to work with you.

Companies who do this well have no problem winning government contracts and they do so often!

It is because of this that you should invest time, talent, and resources in order to create a compelling and strong solution based statement that will help elevate your organizations strengths will also positioning you as an expert in the field. You will want to include any of your company’s certifications while also making sure to mention why your company is better than the others.

Step 3: Focus on Brand Consistency

The third step in winning government contracts is focusing on brand consistency. This is important because all of your marketing materials should represent and reflect excellence. First impressions are a big component in winning government contracts and if you are unable to present a consistent or reputable brand internally then you won’t be able to do so for a government agency either. It is extremely important that your company has a good image not only on your website but within your company’s culture, it’s messaging, and even social media. Your overall brand is how others perceive your company as a whole and a good image is necessary when it comes to winning government contracts.

Step 4: Network, Network, & More Networking

Not only is it important to network with the agencies but it is important for you to network with CEO’s too! This is because winning government contracts relies on your ability to create relationships with the right people. This will take time and effort, but if you are willing to put in the extra work then winning government contracts becomes much easier for everyone involved.

It’s important that when networking one does so in a genuine way while also being mindful of how they come across. Not only should you be looking for the decision makers but also influencers within their respective agencies too.

Step 5: Stay Focused and be Patient

Step five is one of the most important aspects of winning government contracts because sometimes it will take quite some time for these government agencies to reach a decision. And if you aren’t awarded the contract you’ve been bidding on it’s important that you don’t get discouraged if you don’t win the contract. Dust yourself off and learn from that experience so you can do even better on the next one!

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