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How to start a crime scene cleanup business

Your website is your virtual storefront.

Although each page is important, there are some pages that remain essential to your site’s success. When deciding how to optimise these pages, it’s important to consider two things: what does the target audience want from these pages, and what action do you want your target audience to take once they are on the page?

Although the importance of pages on a website will vary from business to business, we’ve identified five pages that every business website should optimise.

1. Homepage

A website’s homepage is often the first impression a potential client gets of a business. Users will stay on this page for only a few seconds before deciding whether to investigate further or navigate to a more interesting or competing site. Users will usually land on your homepage via a search engine they are therefore looking for information. They want to be able to clearly navigate the page in order to obtain the data they seek.

As owner of the site, you want to ensure they are enticed to your business. Headings should be big and easy to read, and icons should be stimulating using a call to action (CTA) such as “Visit our services page”, “Sign up to our newsletter” or “Get your free quote”. Your goal here is to capture the visitor’s attention and prevent them from leaving.

2. About page

This is where you show what you’re made of the bones of your company. Let your brand shine through. What is it exactly that you do? What can you offer your clients that no one else can? These are the questions visitors to this page want answers to.

This isn’t just about more information it’s also about engaging with users on a deeper level. What about your ethos? Your humour? The Huffington Post lists “storytelling” as one of the seven web design trends you’ll see in 2015. What you want from this page is to relate to your visitors and make them like you. Content such as a short, heartfelt video from your founder or a witty animated video on your service(s) can go a long way.

3. Contact us page

The contact us page contains some of the most pertinent information on the site. Visitors want to know how they can reach you. And they won’t want to search for it. Put all the necessary details above the fold. You want them to contact you as soon as possible, while they’re still buzzing from your brilliance, so make it as simple as possible.

Use a CTA such as “Email us now”, “Live chat with us now” and “Call us now”. This lets users know they have your undivided attention and that you’re only a click away, waiting to prove yourself to them.

4. Blog page

Blogging is how your business can distinguish itself as a thought leader in your field. Your blog is where you can display your knowledge and, in doing so, gain the trust and admiration of your visitors. Users want a blog that is well organised so that they can easily find what they’re looking for so headings and groupings are essential.

What you want from your users is engagement and exposure, so make sure to include social media links, email and share buttons wherever possible. To own a viral blog post would be incredible recognition for your company, so ensure the content is compelling.

5. Search results page

This is one of the most frequently visited pages on a site. Think of how many times you’ve used the search function on sites it’s probably clear just how crucial it is. That being said, there’s nothing more frustrating than a poorly formulated search results page. Make sure your site not only gives visitors the correct results in a timely manner, but also displays them clearly with allowance for easy navigation.

Remember, if a visitor bothers to type in a subject, they are hungry for answers and serious about whatever it may be. This is your chance to capture that lead.

All pages of your site should play a part and add to what is ideally a finely tuned digital machine. By taking the above advice on board, your site will look better, operate smoother and help you make more money.

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