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How to Networking In Your Cleaning Business

Word of Mouth Marketing

Don’t confuse word of mouth with social media; they aren’t the same thing. Social media is just the vehicle that spreads word of mouth. Yes, today many of us communicate largely by text and tweet, so it follows that we might just lump word of mouth and social media into the same group. But they are largely different.

To start with, word of mouth won’t hurt your pocketbook, because you carry all that you need everywhere you go… it’s your mouth. All you have to do is open your mouth and talk to everyone everywhere you go. Online talk has not replaced face-to-face, human-to-human interfacing. After all, we humans are social creatures. If you talk up your cleaning business to family, friends, and strangers, your business will grow by leaps and bounds.

Chat up people at your day job, at your child’s soccer game, at the laundromat, at the health club, and at the yoga class. In other words, never miss an opportunity to talk about your cleaning business and the services you provide.

Reach Out Locally

Opportunities for networking these days are limitless, especially with social media everywhere you look. The choices for meet and greets are overwhelming, but don’t let that become a stumbling block for you. It’s not only important to know how to network, it’s important to know where. Sure, you can spend your valuable time going to every networking event out there, but you’ll have a more satisfying experience and build your cleaning business much more quickly by attending networking events that are related specifically to the cleaning business.

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