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There are five essential steps to getting cleaning contracts with office buildings. These steps include:

  • Develop and Implement an Interesting and effective marketing strategy

  • Creating an eye-catching website

  • Network and establish partnerships with other local businesses

  • Providing exceptional customer service throughout the bidding process

  • Establishing a referral program

Develop and Implement a Marketing Strategy

Developing and implementing a good marketing strategy is the cornerstone of any successful business. Your cleaning business is no different. However, if your goal is is to ultimately gain new office cleaning contracts, you will have to make sure that your advertising is directed towards the professionals that you want as clients. A large part of this is the image of your cleaning service and the image of your employees. If you are going to be directing your marketing at professionals, you must project professionalism.

Using social media to market your cleaning service is also s a great way to gain new office clients. However, this is going to require you to think outside of the usual social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Linked In is a social network for professionals and business owners. This is where you are going to find the office cleaning contracts your business needs. Purchasing ads on search engines like Google and also an effective way to promote your cleaning service with an online presence.

Create an Eye-Catching Website

If you have taken the time and money to purchase ads on search engines, as well as creating social media accounts for your cleaning business, the next logical step is to create an eye-catching website. It’s only logical that other business that is searching for cleaning services will end up being directed to your website. This is why it makes sense that hire a web designer to give your cleaning business’s website the professional touch it needs to get you new office cleaning contracts.

There are several aspects of a great website that you need to be sure are included in your website. Aside from an eye-catching design, your website needs to be easy to navigate. Potential clients will end up being frustrated with your business if they can’t get the information they want in a timely end efficient manner. Because many people view digital content on their devices, you must ensure that your website is also optimized for mobile devices. Your website must also have quality content, with your contact information easily available.

Network and Establish Partnerships With Other Businesses

Networking can be crucial, but often overlooked, part of securing new contracts for your cleaning business. I cannot begin to place enough emphasis on the importance of networking with other businesses. Many of these other businesses may have connections that are possible in the market for a cleaning service. If you associate with the right people, that new cleaning service could be your cleaning service. One way to network with other businesses is to get a calendar of local events from the Chamber of Commerce in your area.

Great Customer Service Throughout the Bidding Process

Customer service is an essential asset for your cleaning business. This is why it is especially important to maintain exceptional customer service throughout the bidding process. Your cleaning business’s customer service can be what sets you apart from your competitors, even if you are not able to match their prices. Most people do not mind paying a little more for your services if you are giving them the courtesy and respect that comes with your cleaning service.

One of the biggest mistakes that you can make when trying to get new cleaning contracts is to treat the people in these office buildings like they are just another company, instead of treating them with the courtesy you might extend to an individual. A major aspect of exceptional customer service is speedily replying to questions or correspondence. Most people don’t like to be kept waiting, and this could be the difference between landing that new office contract, or losing out on it.

Establish a Referral Program

Referral programs are not only good for customer retention. They are also an effective tool for getting new cleaning contracts. If you make sure that your cleaning service is doing a thorough and professional job, your customers will be far more likely to refer your business to other businesses. Establishing an official referral program is the proverbial icing on the cake because it gives your existing professional clients even more incentive to recommend your cleaning business to their family, friends, and colleagues who may need a business like yours to clean up their working environment.

A good referral program doesn’t have to cost much. There are several options your cleaning service has if you are interested in setting up a referral program. For example, you could hand out coupons to existing clients that offer a discount on your cleaning services, provided that the new clients show you that card when they hire you. You could also offer existing clients a free cleaning for every five referrals they can provide for your cleaning service. Neither of these options will cost you much, and the business you gain from your new referral program will be worth it.

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