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How to get More Commercial Floor & Carpet Contracts

Your 5-step guide to bringing in more carpet and floor cleaning business

1. Get your important information out first

Each marketing pitch contains the same core pieces of information: Your business’s name, what you do, and how much your services cost. You want to make sure that information reaches a client before anything else. However, a successful pitch doesn’t see you blurting your business details to the nearest passerby. Instead, you need to present this information in a way that seems relevant to the person you’re speaking to.

2. Templates vs personalization: Find the balance

Successful pitches require a lot of improvisation. Each potential client you speak to has different needs. As such, your presentation of your carpet and floor cleaning services needs to vary if you want it to appeal to a broad audience.

Even so, the information at the core of your pitch always remains the same. You’re consistently sharing information about your business, how much your cleaning services cost, and what kind of personalization clients can benefit from. To make it easier on yourself, set up a baseline pitch template that you can reference. While you’ll want to leave room for client personalization, you can always look back to this template and remind yourself of any information you may have briefly forgotten to share.

3. Let your other clients speak for you

One of the best things about business pitches is your ability to customize them. If you meet with someone and have the opportunity to discuss your services, you can tailor your conversation to that person’s needs. What’s more, you can lean into your existing testimonials and let your reputation do your talking for you.

For example, if you’ve been cleaning floors for a well-known client, you can name-drop that client during your pitch. Potential clients will consider that connection and develop a higher opinion of your business’s capabilities. If a potential client knows people you’ve worked with, you may even be able to add a personal recommendation to your pitch.

4. Keep it short and sweet

If you’re passionate about what you do, it’s easy to talk about your business for hours at a time. Unfortunately, most potential clients start to lose interest in your pitch within a matter of minutes. To counteract that loss of interest, take a two-pronged approach to your marketing material.

To start, keep your pitch short. Elevator pitches need to be less than 30 seconds. Learning to keep your business pitch under this timestamp takes a lot of practice. Once you’re able to do it, though, you’ll have an easier time making a memorable impression on your potential clients.

Secondly, try to turn your pitch into a conversation. When you can actively engage a potential client in your pitch, you give yourself a little more time to discuss your business’s assets. What’s more, potential clients are more likely to remember conversations they took part in instead of a pitch they merely listened to.

5. Have a business card on hand

Even if you keep your carpet and floor cleaning pitch short, you can easily overwhelm your potential client. You’re presenting a lot of information, after all, and ensuring that a client remembers that information and your name and contact information is a big ask.

That’s where you can turn to business literature. Business cards are some of the most ubiquitous forms of business literature. Most cards have your name, contact information, and logo on them, making your business easier to look up. Interested parties won’t have to take notes while making your pitch if they know that they can reference your business card at the end of the day.

If you’re looking for a more elaborate piece of literature, consider business brochures. Brochures may not be as pocket-friendly as business cards, but they can carry more information.

You can work with your graphic design team to create a brochure detailing your carpet and floor cleaning services, the different prices, and any add-ons clients may be interested in. Your options here include the traditional, three-fold brochure as well as the more modern postcard brochure. Draft several versions of your brochure, and A/B test your content to determine which may suit your pitch the best.

Your business pitch is one of the best marketing tools you have at your disposal. You have the opportunity to add a personal touch to these pitches, customizing them to suit the person you’re speaking with. What’s more, you can make sure that potential clients walk away with the information they need to get in touch with you later down the line.

Crafting a solid pitch takes time. If you don’t have a pitch template for your carpet and floor cleaning services, then it’s time to create one. You can hone your template over time, improvising when you need to bring more clients to your business.

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