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How To Create A Happy Healthy Office Space

When you work in an office, your productivity is greatly affected by your mood and even your emotions. If you don’t feel comfortable and enthused, you can end up tired and stressed even before you turn on your computer.

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways you can make your workspace feel safer and more comfortable, and therefore more conducive to productivity. Here are five tips to get you started:

Keep It Clean

A messy, dirty workspace can get in the way of a job well done. For one, it can take you longer to find what you need (whether that’s an important document or some staple wire). It can also make you sick—the accumulation of dirt and grime can trigger allergies or even harbour disease-causing germs.

Having a disorganised workplace can also make you feel dismal and unmotivated to work. This is not to mention all sorts of hazards that can form due to all the clutter!

Having professional office cleaners visit your office at least once a month can go a long way to keeping everything spick and span. From work areas and production floors to toilets and washrooms, commercial cleaners can ensure that your office is clean and healthy.

For daily maintenance of workspaces, the most important thing to do is to get paperwork organised and filed away. Invest in folders, trays, and/or cabinets to keep documents out of the way. Vacuuming and wiping surfaces every so often (say, every two days) can also help minimise the buildup of dust.

Get a Good Chair

You probably already know this, but it’s bad for your body to stay seated for hours at a time. Thus, it’s a good idea to stand up and stretch once in a while to shake out the kinks in your muscles and get the blood flowing.

Meanwhile, when you’re seated, an ergonomic office chair can help you maintain good posture. This can minimise backaches and other concerns like leg stiffness.

As much as possible, find a chair with an adjustable back angle, back tilt, and seat height. This way, you can ensure your comfort as you work. Armrests are not absolutely necessary, but they can also provide relief (e.g., when you need to take a break from slouching).

Other accessories that can help you with posture are lumbar pillows, padded headrests, footstools, and laptop risers.

Liven It Up With Greens

Staring at a screen for hours can cause eye strain. To prevent this, look away from your computer every so often and focus on something with a calming colour like green—placing a plant on your desk can help in this regard.

Aside from giving your eyes a break, a plant can also work wonders in livening up your desk space. In addition, a plant can also help freshen up the air. Some of the best easy-care ones include devil’s ivy, pothos, and peace lilies. A wide variety of bromeliads and succulents are also great additions to your workspace.

Get the Lights Right

Speaking of eye strain, one huge factor that can lead to this is the lighting in your workspace. Make sure that you get ample illumination so you don’t have to squint to see what you’re typing or writing. However, do note that too-bright lights can be as bad as too-dim ones. Try switching to warmer toned-bulbs and see if that can help with the situation.

If you’re working from home, it’s easy enough to switch out the lights in your home office. If you’re working in an office setting, however, it might not be as straightforward. Try a desk lamp to get the right tone of lighting for the best experience.


Last but certainly not least, personalising your work area is one of the best ways to make it feel more comfortable. There are many ways to do this, including the above-mentioned desk plants. You can also display family photos, quirky desk calendars, or even put up some posters of your favourite movies, TV shows, or anime.

If you prefer something a little more zen, try playing some soothing music. A small desktop fountain may also help you relax. Lighter colours like white, beige, mint, eggshell blue, or even taupe can also add to a “chill” vibe.

Of course, personalisation doesn’t automatically mean accessorising your work desk. If you prefer things to be extra neat and clean, so be it! The key is to make your space your own and conducive to your productivity. If that means that you want as little clutter as possible, then don’t feel compelled to decorate.

Doing your job can be fulfilling, but it can also be exhausting at times. Follow these tips to create an office space that’s specifically tailored to your unique needs, to help minimise stress and maximise efficiency.

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