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How to Convert Commercial Cleaning Customers to Paying Customers

1. About Page

The best place to tell your story is on your company’s About page. It’s typically the most visited page on a website, so it’s prime real estate for making a memorable first impression with prospects.

An About Page on your Website should include your company’s origin story, why you do what you do (values), and your overall mission. People like to see who they’re doing business with, so “behind-the-scenes” photos and video can help humanize your company.

It can be useful to create a separate Why Hire Us page where you differentiate your business from the competition. Also, include your Core Differences which is your money maker in a strong statement on the home page above the fold.

2. Case studies

When investing in cleaning services, prospects are typically persuaded by results. A case study is an expanded testimonial that explains:

1. A customer’s problem 2. How you solved it 3. The difference that solution made and how it looks today

When selecting clients to highlight, choose those whose problems are most universal so your target audience will find the case study relatable. Whenever possible, quantify the results using data or anecdotal evidence. Make case studies more appealing by including photos or graphic elements.

3. Industry pages

By showing your expertise in each industry you serve, your company will have an advantage in reaching new prospects. An industry page demonstrates the various industries you have experience serving and outlines how you tailor your services to the specific needs of each. Use this space to list the industries you service and also to highlight specific examples (and link to case studies).

4. Services

Services pages showcase your expertise in the various areas your company specializes. It should include a list of services, such as janitorial service, the various types of floor care services you provide, window washing and any other services you offer. Those should include more detail about the service and include photos.

Be clear and specific about each service and include information about how a prospect can get a quote, schedule a consultation, or book services. You can also include an option for prospects to sign up for your email newsletter or value-added download so you can continue to communicate with them even if they aren’t ready yet to sign on as a client.

5. Blog posts

Think of your company’s blog as an opportunity to educate the public about industry trends and to show off your expertise. In general, posts should range from 500 to 2,000 or more words (we recommend at least 1,000 words if you want your blog post to rank in the search engine results. Be sure to break up the copy with subheads, bullets and images.

Be sure to use keywords in your post, headline, subheads, and meta description to help boost your search rankings (also called SEI. Choose keywords that your customers use when searching for contract cleaning services.

6. Reviews/Testimonials

It’s no secret that referrals are the key to converting prospects. When a customer shares how happy they are with your services, ask for a testimonials to use on your website. Testimonials should be brief but include the client’s problem, how your company resolved it, and why they recommend your services to others.

Testimonials are most effective when they include photos or videos of the client.

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