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Get Your Cleaning Customer Back To Work

Using the CDC’s official guidelines, we created this checklist to help you develop, implement, and maintain a reopening plan, so your customers and employees can safely enter.

Step 1. Develop a Plan

To begin, you need to determine what types of surfaces, materials, and objects your facility consists of.

Determine what needs to be cleaned

  • Surfaces and objects that aren’t frequently touched should be cleaned, but don’t need to be disinfected

  • If your office, school, or other facility has been unoccupied for 7 days or more, it will only require routine cleaning to reopen

  • If the area is outside, it will typically only need normal routine cleaning, not disinfection

Determine what needs to be disinfected

  • Consult this list of EPA-approved disinfectants to determine what to use based on the material type

  • Frequently touched surfaces like doorknobs, countertops, phones, keyboards, touchscreens, and toilets will need routine cleaning and disinfection

  • Soft and porous materials that aren’t touched frequently should be cleaned according to the item’s label, and rugs and seating may be removed or stored to reduce cleaning and disinfecting challenges

Determine the resources and equipment you will need

  • Keep the availability of cleaners, disinfectants, and personal protective equipment (PPE) in mind

  • Always wear gloves that are appropriate for the chemicals being used

Step 2. Implement Your Plan

Read the instructions for any cleaning and disinfecting products you use and put on appropriate gloves and PPE before getting started. Clean all visibly dirty surfaces and objects using soap and water

  • When you finish cleaning, wash your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds with soap and water

Use the appropriate cleaning or disinfectant product for your needs

  • Refer to the list of EPA-approved cleaners and disinfectants to determine what’s appropriate for your needs

Be sure to follow the instructions provided on the product label

  • Follow the instructions on the label for all cleaning and disinfecting products regarding concentration, dilution, application method, contact time, and any other special considerations

Step 3. Maintain and Revise Your Plan as Needed

Continue to follow this plan and make revisions based on updated federal, state, and local guidance. Continue cleaning and disinfecting on a regular basis

  • Surfaces frequently touched by multiple people should be cleaned and disinfected at least once a day

Maintain safe behavioral practices

  • Continue following safe behavioral practices such as social distancing, frequently washing hands, wearing cloth face covers, and staying home if sick

Consider practices that reduce exposure potential

  • Consider wiping public surfaces before and after you touch them

Don’t Confront COVID-19 Alone

Get in touch with us today.

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