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Biggest Mistakes for seeking Government Cleaning Contracts

Red flag No. 1: Sitting back and waiting for opportunity to come to you

As is the case with any major business deal, it is essential to be proactive in the government contracting process or your small business will get left behind. Often times, those looking to respond to a government contract will wait until it posts on a site like but by that time it is already too late. If you have to plan and react last minute your response will reflect this rush.

There are a few ways to overcome this hurdle and get information on these requests before they go live to thousands of companies. For one, there are sufficient database services available, such as GovClean that you can utilize to find appropriate partners with requisite expertise and the right network you can tap. However, as many small business owners know, this option doesn’t come cheap, so it has to be weighed carefully before pursuing.

Another way to have a proactive and more targeted approach is to pick a specific agency (i.e. Homeland Security) whose needs are aligned with your products/services and are best suited to meet those needs. Once you’ve identified your target, begin networking and reaching contacts to form relationships. Having key players recognize your company and your efforts to get involved in the industry can go a long way to positioning you for success.

Lastly, recognize the value of asking for help. Working with a company like GovClean Contracting Services, Inc. as a mentor sponsor programs allow small businesses to partner with those who have gone through the government contracting process. Your mentor can share valuable insight on topics such as business development, proposal management and managing internal business operations. They are great sources for advice on navigating the federal contract bidding process. Recently, the administration has put forth policy changes (i.e. less rigid eligibility requirements and reduction in red tape) that make it easier than ever for companies to form mentor/protégé relationships.

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