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Advice for Small Businesses on Winning Government Contracts

Updated: May 23

Every year, the federal government endeavors to award 23 percent of all federal contract dollars to small businesses.


Take Advantage of Great Opportunities

Feeling like a small fish in a big pond can deter many people from bidding on government contracts - but this shouldn’t be the case, as many small businesses are qualified to handle working with the government. Winning a government contract provides a great opportunity for business owners to get their company name out there and to grow their business. While being hired by individuals or other businesses to provide janitorial or cleaning services is great for your company, winning a government contract means a guaranteed paycheck, one that can last anywhere from one to five years and often include an option to extend the agreement. As long as you are a reputable business that can adequately provide the services required by the contract, you will be granted a long term deal, possibly with extra service agreements attached. This is not only good for your business, but for people who are looking for employment as well.

Getting Bids

Build Relationships. When it comes to winning bids in the government contracting marketplace contacts are everything. Business owners are advised to take the time to make connections, build relationships and network extensively. The contacts a business develops are often the key to furthering their success in government contracting. Proactively networking with larger companies, agencies and even competitors can lead to subcontracting opportunities while also showing agencies that you are a trustworthy and reliable business partner.

Subcontract. Building a reputation as a professional enterprise is crucial to the success of any business. Winning a government bid isn’t only about the monetary aspects involved with a contract; other factors are evaluated too. An agency will often look at company financials, work history and reputation before selecting a winning organization. It helps to have contacts who can vouch for your company and the work that you do. By subcontracting, you build your reputation and gain valuable experience.


You never know when the contacts you develop will come in handy. Therefore, you should make each and every relationship meaningful because in the long run, these are the relationships that will further your company’s success.

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